By Chan Elizabeth W, Gadiza Namira Putri Andjani, and Winson Wardana
- The main program code is presented in the
- The code for training the model is presented in the 2 Jupyter notebooks. (trainimgModel.ipynb and trainemotionModel.ipynb)
- The haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml is used to detect the frontal face. It is a stump-based 24×24 discrete AdaBoost frontal face detector. It is created by Rainer Lienhart.
- The shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat is a pre-trained facial landmark detector inside the dlib library used to estimate the location of 68 (x, y)-coordinates that map to facial structures on the face. The indexes of the 68 coordinates can be visualized on the image:×825.jpg
- The is the code for coordinating and storing the eye positions from the dlib facial landmark detector. It is used to locate the eyes of the person for the filter.
- The Additional Pre-trained model file contains our additional trained models. One for the emotion detection and the other one for the image classification.
- The Filter file contains the images that we used as a filter for the face filter based on emotion detection.
- The ImageTest file contains the images that we take from google and we used to test the model prediction based on the image classification.
Source code: